Vision & Mission
Our Vision:
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Our Mission:
To REACH every Filipino and friends in the Edmonton area with Christ-centered message of Hope and Wholeness.
Our Core Values:
WORSHIP: Revival & Transformation: Connecting with God through public and personal worship.
NURTURE: Education for discipleship: Every youth and adult learning, growing and becoming more like Christ.
FELLOWSHIP: Alignment within the Church: Connecting effectively within our diverse church family.
WITNESSING: Community outreach & Evangelism: Connecting with our communities - sharing hope and wholeness.
LEADERSHIP: Healthy leadership & management: God's stewards insisting on personal and church-wide excellence.
Welcome! We would love to have you visit us. We look forward to meeting you this Saturday!
You’ll feel right at home from the very first moment you step through our doors!
Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as the only source of our beliefs. We consider our movement to be the result of the Protestant conviction Sola Scriptura—the Bible as the only standard of faith and practice for Christians.Seventh-day Adventist beliefs are meant to permeate your whole life. Growing out of scriptures that paint a compelling portrait of God, you are invited to explore, experience and know the One who desires to make us whole.
Adventist believe that the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath, and that it is God's gift to us, a time for rest and restoration of our connection to God and others, and it reminds us of God's creation, and Jesus' grace.
Our Purpose
We believe Jesus enriches your life beyond imagination.
Our purpose is to:
• Accept Like Jesus
• Serve Like Jesus
• Love Like Jesus